The legend series. Written by non-other than MARIE LU! ugh i love her works. shes written 15+ books in her AMAZING life, and Legend, Prodigy, and Rebel is my favortite of all of them. Jude and Day come through with an amazing story, shocking all of us in multiple ways at multiple times. DR (do reccomend)
Everything, everything.The cliche novel NONE OF US WANTED. It was so cliche i could barelly finish it, the twists and turns werent ever welcome in my head. The movie was even more un-bareable. It was written badly and seemed to be executed in short time. DNR (do not reccomend)
Thirteen reasons why. A simi-disgrace to society. It feels like its going to be such a great book, but once you come towards the middle, it starts to decline. The end is just a combonation of deppressing and psycotic. DNR (do not reccomend)